Morning bite - State and Task
December 03, 2019 - Tuesday morning
I'm going to take a quick detour and add a panel to show the status of residents and buildings. This was the main action I wanted for tap - to see info about something in the game. I feel like a tap to view, then tap to select menu then tap to select what to do is getting into tedium territory and is the sort of thing that would mildly annoy me in a game. I also think I'll remove the last zoom level for now, the one that focuses on a specific building, as there are no actions there yet anyways.
Yesterday, I added:
- Residents get paid for work, can go grocery shopping
- Residents get tired, hungry, and eat
- Building production cycle based on resident work done
Today, I'll work on:
- Unstyled status panel showing info on selected resident or building
- Tasks owned by buildings which then assign to a worker
- Grocery store BuyFromFarm task
- Think about dynamic pricing